Cristian David RUIZ CARVAJAL
(Universidad de Antioquia)
Positrons beam dump experiments have unique features to search for very narrow resonances coupled superweakly to $e^+ e^-$ pairs. Due to the continue loss of energy from soft photon bremsstrahlung, in the first few radiation lengths of the dump a positron beam can continuously scan for resonant production of new resonances via $e^+$ annihilation off an atomic $e^-$ in the target. We explore the foreseeable sensitivity of the Frascati PADME experiment to searching, with this resonance annihilation technique, the $17$ MeV dark photon invoked to explain the $^8$Be anomaly in nuclear transitions.
arXiv | arXiv:1802.04756 |
Cristian David RUIZ CARVAJAL
(Universidad de Antioquia)
Enrico Nardi
(INFN, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Italy)
Davide Meloni
(University of Roma Tre)
Mauro Raggi
Anish Ghoshal
(INFN, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Italy, Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Universit\`a di Roma Tre, Italy)