26–30 Nov 2018
America/Lima timezone
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Spin-2 Portal Dark Matter

Not scheduled
Room N101, McGregor Building (PUCP)

Room N101, McGregor Building


Parallel Talk (Theory) Dark Matter and Astroparticles Parallel Talks B


Nicolás Bernal (Universidad Antonio Nariño)


We generalize models invoking a spin-2 particle as a mediator between the dark sector and the Standard Model. We show that a massive spin-2 messenger can efficiently play the role of a portal between the two sectors. The dark matter is then produced via a freeze-in mechanism during the reheating epoch. In a large part of the parameter space, production through the exchange of a massive spin-2 mediator dominates over processes involving a graviton with Planck suppressed couplings. We perform a systematic analysis of such models for different values of the spin-2 mass relative to the maximum and the final temperature attained at reheating.

arXiv 1803.01866


Nicolás Bernal (Universidad Antonio Nariño)

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