The LHC delivers an unprecedented number of proton-proton collisions to its experiments. However, in kinematic regimes first studied by earlier generations of collider experiments, the online/offline processing and offline storage of the data can be limiting factors for a deeper probing of new physics.
In this contribution, we describe a strategy that the ATLAS experiment employs to overcome...
Dark matter could have its origin in a new, strongly coupled, dark sector with fermion constituents that form dark analogies to the standard model mesons, and if so, these dark mesons could already have been produced in the 13 TeV proton-proton collisions in the LHC Run 2.
I will present my ongoing search for Dark Mesons in LHC Run 2 data collected with the ATLAS detector, focusing both on...
In neutral atoms and positive ions, the binding of the electron cloud is due to the Coulomb attraction of the positively charged nucleus, allowing the description of electronic states via the independent particle approximation. In negative ions, however, the Coulomb potential of the nucleus is almost entirely screened, and the binding of the additional electron is resulting from polarization...
The neutron facility of the European Spallation Source – ESS is currently undergoing construction and installation in Lund, Sweden with the goal to achieve a 5MW proton beam of 2 GeV Linear Accelerator (LINAC). This LINAC could also be used to produce an intense neutrino beam, which combined with a megaton water Cherenkov detector could observe CP violation in the leptonic sector for the first...
Transport properties of quark-gluon plasma (QGP) created in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions, contain important information on quantum chromodynamics (QCD). With a more precise estimate of the transport properties, such as specific shear and bulk viscosity, it is possible to deepen our understanding of QCD. In this talk, we present our latest study in inferring the transport properties...
Emergency preparedness and response arrangements are essential for ensuring safety of on-site workers and members of the public from the accidental release of radionuclides. Accidental releases from the European Spallation Source (ESS) will include a different set of radionuclides than accidental releases from a nuclear power plant, and therefore the potential internal contamination...
Teaching force and motion is a well-known challenge. The traditional mathematical desriptions of bodies in motion rarely connect to human bodies and acceleration often remains an abstract concept. However, the forces experienced by an accelerating body can also be measured with smartphone sensors, and the data recorded can be saved and brought back to the classroom for analysis. In this way,...
Ultrashort laser pulses with time-dependent polarisation states have applications such as the generation of isolated attosecond pulses and the study of the optical chirality of molecules. In this project, we develop a method to measure the time-dependent polarisation of 6 fs laser pulses with the dispersion scan technique (d-scan). First, the pulses are transmitted through a combination of two...
Attosecond physics aims to unravel the electron motion and coherence in atoms and molecules. A major contribution to this field was the real-time observation of the motion of valance-shell electrons in krypton ions made by Goulielmakis et al. in 2010 [1]. Since then, ATAS has been widely used in different scenarios [2]. Despite the great success of ATAS, all studies so far are based on...
Attosecond physics aims to unravel the electron motion and coherence in atoms and molecules. Major contributions to this field are the real-time observations of the motion of electrons in ions and atoms through attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy (ATAS). Regarding the lack of a relativistic theory, our aim is to develop a general relativistic ATAS method for studying atoms far beyond...
The sub-picosecond dynamics of gas-phase Fe(CO)5 have been simulated by the fewest switches surface hopping method based on TDDFT (CAM-B3LYP) forces. The dynamics simulations were initiated in the S6 1MLCT state corresponding to the optically bright transition in the UV absorption spectrum centered at 266 nm. We show that in-phase oscillations of predominantly axially coordinated carbonyl...
Work done with: Maxime Allemand 2 , Daniel Comparat 3 , Jules Cras 3 , Carina Killian 1 ,Chloé Malbrunot 4 , Martin Simon 1 , Christophe Siour 3 , Tim Wolz 5 , Eberhard Widmann 1 on behalf of the ASACUSA-CUSP collaboration.
1 Stefan Meyer Institute, Austria, 2 Ecole normale supérieure Paris-Saclay, France, 3 Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, Laboratoire Aimé Cotton, France, 4 TRIUMF, Canada, 5...
The SXL (Soft X-ray Laser) project is a design for a soft X-ray Free Electron Laser (FEL) in the 1–5 nm wavelength range, to be installed at and driven by the existing MAX IV 3 GeV linac. The project was initiated by a group of Swedish users of FEL radiation. In this contribution we will focus on the FEL itself developed for the first phase of the project based on two different accelerator...
With the power of 3D printers and simulations, there are plenty of opportunities to make concepts in modern physics more available. A 3D-printed physical model of a particle trap, the Paul trap, has been developed alongside a simulation focused on implementation in Swedish upper secondary physics education. The Paul trap is an example of a method used in many areas of modern physics, such as...
We present an ultra-stable and high spectral resolution attosecond pump-probe setup for photoelectron interferometry. Our system, based on a Mach-Zehnder interferometer, uses active stabilization of the interferometer arm lengths obtained directly from the phase relation of the pump and probe femtosecond laser pulses. With this technique, the system is stable to within 14 attosecond...