15–17 Jun 2022
Europe/Stockholm timezone

The SMARTHEP International Training Network

15 Jun 2022, 11:00
Parallel session: partikelsektionen Sektionen för elementarpartikel och astropartikelfysik


Caterina Doglioni (University of Manchester (GB))


Growing amounts of research data require new computing solutions to manage increased data storage, utilisation, and analysis capabilities. The EU-funded SMARTHEP project, where Lund is one of the founding participants, will break from the traditional paradigm of ‘first collect data, then analyse it’ and move towards real-time analysis (RTA) where data collection and analysis become synonymous, so that unprocessed information that would be expensive to store can be discarded. As a consortium formed by academic and industrial partners on scientific, technological, and entrepreneurship aspects of RTA, the SMARTHEP project will train a new generation of inter-sector researchers and give them the tools to process large datasets in real-time, aided by machine learning and hybrid computing architectures. In this contribution we will outline how the network has started, its plans and possible ways to collaborate with other Swedish institutes.


Alice Ohlson (Lund University (SE)) Caterina Doglioni (University of Manchester (GB)) Oxana Smirnova (Lund University (SE)) Peter Christiansen (Lund University (SE))

Presentation materials