15–17 Jun 2022
Europe/Stockholm timezone

The Design of a Soft X-ray Free Electron Laser (the SXL) for the MAX IV Laboratory

Not scheduled
Posters Plenary session


Francesca Curbis (Department of Physics, Lund University) Sverker Werin (Department of Physics, Lund University)Prof. Per Eng-Johnsson (Department of Physics, Lund University)


The SXL (Soft X-ray Laser) project is a design for a soft X-ray Free Electron Laser (FEL) in the 1–5 nm wavelength range, to be installed at and driven by the existing MAX IV 3 GeV linac. The project was initiated by a group of Swedish users of FEL radiation. In this contribution we will focus on the FEL itself developed for the first phase of the project based on two different accelerator operation modes.
The design work was supported by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg foundation and by several Swedish universities and organizations (Stockholm, Uppsala, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm-Uppsala FEL center, MAX IV laboratory and Lund University)


Dr Alexey Vorozhtsov (MAX IV) Dr Bill Kyle (MAX IV) Francesca Curbis (Department of Physics, Lund University) Sverker Werin (Department of Physics, Lund University) Prof. Anders Nilsson (Department of Physics, Stockholm University) Dr Erik Mansten (MAX IV) Dr Filip Lindau (MAX IV) Dr Hamed Tarawneh (MAX IV) Mr Joel Andersson (MAX IV) Dr Jonas Sellberg (Department of Physics, KTH) Dr Lennart Isaksson (MAX IV) Prof. Mats Larsson (Department of Physics, Stockholm University) Dr Pedro Fernandes Tavares (MAX IV) Prof. Per Eng-Johnsson (Department of Physics, Lund University) Dr Peter Sahlen (Department of Physics, Uppsala University) Mr Pop Mihai (Department of Physics, Lund University) Dr Saeid Pirani Dr Sara Thorin (MAX IV) Prof. Stefano Bonetti (Department of Physics, Stockholm University) Dr Vitaliy Goryashko (Department of Physics, Uppsala University) Dr Weilun Qin (DESY, Hamburg)

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