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22–23 Nov 2021
Chalmers Conference Centre
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Dark matter electron interactions in graphene detectors

23 Nov 2021, 16:30
Palmstedt (Chalmers Conference Centre)


Chalmers Conference Centre

Chalmersplatsen 1, 412 58 Göteborg


Einar Urdshals


We develop a formalism to describe electron ejections from graphene by dark matter (DM) scattering for general forms of spin 1/2 DM electron interactions. This novel formalism allows for accurate prediction of the daily modulation signal expected from DM in upcoming direct detection experiments employing graphene sheets as target material. The general interaction is captured using non-relativistic effective field theory methods, whereas the physics of the graphene sheet is treated with state-of-the-art DFT.


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