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22–23 Nov 2021
Chalmers Conference Centre
Europe/Stockholm timezone

A reappraisal of top-partner hunting

22 Nov 2021, 17:30
Palmstedt (Chalmers Conference Centre)


Chalmers Conference Centre

Chalmersplatsen 1, 412 58 Göteborg


Dr Avik Banerjee


Composite Higgs models together with partial compositeness predict the existence of vector-like top-partners above the TeV scale. A wide class of such models show significant barnching ratio of the top-partners decaying into the third generation quarks and exotic pseudo Goldstone bosons, thus opening up new search topologies at the LHC. We systematically study the exotic decays of the top-partners in the partial compositeness framework. We aim to bridge the gap between the simplified phenomenological models and the full composite Higgs machinery motivated from a 4D strongly coupled gauge theory. We present a Lagrangian at the TeV scale and identify a number of universal features, in particular regarding the spectra of the top-partners. Finally as a proof of principle we discuss the exotic decays of the top-partners in the SU(5)/SO(5) coset.


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