Wednesday morning
- Elin Bergeaas Kuutmann (Uppsala University (SE))
- Rikkert Frederix (Lund University)
The existence of a light sterile species of neutrino is still under consideration, as it may offer an explanation to anomalies in short-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments. However, among the difficulties encountered in including such an extra neutrino species in the zoo of well-motivated new particles, the strongest restriction may come from cosmological observations. As the light...
Liquid xenon time-projection chambers are the world’s most sensitive detectors for a wide range of dark matter candidates. We show that the statistical analysis of their data can be improved by replacing detector response Monte Carlo simulations with an equivalent deterministic calculation. This allows the use of high-dimensional undiscretized models, yielding up to ∼2times better...
It is well known that quantum and temperature corrections to the scalar potential are important when considering vacuum dynamics and phase transition phenomena. It is also true that a naive application of perturbation theory gives gauge dependent results. Further complications arise when one is considering dim $d>4$ operators in the Lagrangian.
In this work we present an extended...
Astrophysical jets in active galaxies and gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) accelerate charged particles, giving rise to fluxes of very-high-energy (VHE) gamma-rays. While observing high redshift GRBs on Earth, the photon spectrum gets softer at VHEs due to the extra-galactic background light (EBL) absorption. Additionally, detecting such VHE gamma-rays is a probe to search for axion-like particles and...
The ground-based ALTO array is being developed for observation of atmospheric air showers induced by very-high-energy (VHE) gamma-rays at energies above ~200 GeV, thus covering emission spectra of soft-spectrum sources. Its particle detector array, consisting of water Cherenkov detectors and scintillation detectors, overlooks a large portion of the sky and enables detection of VHE gamma-rays...
Direct detection experiments probing dark matter scattering off electrons in semiconductors provide leading constraints on sub-GeV dark matter. In this work, we model these interactions using non-relativistic effective operators, and identify and compute five dark matter and crystal response functions, four of them for the first time. We then use these responses to calculate the expected...
As a newly appointed professor in the nuclear physics division in Uppsala I would like present some recent results from my research in LHCb. I will give a brief introduction to LHCb and my main involvements the construction of the detector. Then I’ll give a brief summary of two research topics that I have been involved in recently. The first topic is the discovery of the first doubly-charmed...
The ALICE experiment is currently undergoing a major detector upgrade during LS2 in order to make full use of the planned LHC luminosity increase for heavy-ion collisions from 2022. The Lund group has been active in the main ALICE tracking detector (TPC) from the start, and I wish to give an overview on the Lund group's activities both related to ALICE upgrades and physics analyses.
Cosmic-ray positron measurements provide a powerful probe of dark matter annihilation. A possible contribution to the measured positron flux could come from dark matter annihilating or decaying into e+e- pairs. In this work, we combine a detailed scan of the cosmic-ray propagation parameter space using Galprop with a new time-, charge- and rigidity-dependent model for solar modulation to...
In this contribution, I will outline three ongoing efforts revolving around dark matter complementarity, in the spirit of fostering cross-talk and engagement between different communities.
The first topic of this contribution is the [initiative for Dark Matter in Europe and Beyond][1]. It aims to create a permanent and common platform to exploit synergies and complementarities in dark...
One overarching objective of science is to further our understanding of the Universe and its composition. The nature of dark matter (DM), corresponding to 85% of the matter currently present in the universe is still unknown. The presence and distribution of DM is detected through its gravitational interactions by observatories and experiments, while the interactions of DM with ordinary matter...
The advent of deep learning has yielded powerful tools to automatically compute gradients of computations. This is because 'training a neural network' equates to iteratively updating its parameters using gradient descent to find the minimum of a loss function. Deep learning is then a subset of a broader paradigm; a workflow with free parameters that is end-to-end optimisable, provided one can...