23–25 Nov 2020
Europe/Stockholm timezone

The next step of ALTO: The Cosmic Multiperspective Event Tracker (COMET)

25 Nov 2020, 10:30


Gasper Kukec Mezek (Linnaeus University)


The ground-based ALTO array is being developed for observation of atmospheric air showers induced by very-high-energy (VHE) gamma-rays at energies above ~200 GeV, thus covering emission spectra of soft-spectrum sources. Its particle detector array, consisting of water Cherenkov detectors and scintillation detectors, overlooks a large portion of the sky and enables detection of VHE gamma-rays regardless of weather conditions.
During darkness, the addition of atmospheric Cherenkov light HiSCORE-type detectors will improve the reconstruction of arrival direction, energy and shower maximum for gamma-ray induced showers in the atmosphere, all crucial elements for the reduction of background contamination from cosmic rays. When coupling particle detection with atmospheric Cherenkov light detection, the instrument becomes a Cosmic Multiperspective Event Tracker (COMET). Using its full observational capacity ALTO/COMET will be able to search for new VHE gamma-ray sources and investigate exotic physical phenomena.
The status of ALTO/COMET R&D activities will be presented, including the construction and operation of its atmospheric Cherenkov light detector prototypes.

Abstract Track Flash talk, Astroparticle physics


Gasper Kukec Mezek (Linnaeus University) Yvonne Becherini (Linnaeus University) Michael Punch Satyendra Thoudam (Radboud University) Jean-Pierre Ernenwein (Groupe de Recherche en Physique des Hautes Energies (GRPHE)) Tomas Bylund (Linnaeus University) Mohanraj Senniappan (Linnaeus University)

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