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Welcome to Indico Global!
Only one person sent material ahead of time, so we'll need to quickly introduce ourselves. Let's go around and quickly say a few words that answer these questions:
1) What BSM topics are you working on right now?
2) What do you think you will be working on for the next 5 years?
3) What do you think the most important BSM topic is in HEP looking forward?
We'll try to take notes in the linked google document.
We should try to agree on what we would like the end product to be. The result of these discussions should be a few paragraphs of text and ~3 slides that we bring to the meeting in Lund on Oct 18.
- A list of topics?
- A few emphasized topics?
- A list of specific experimental facilities? A prioritization of proposed future facilities?
Once the goal is clear, we should try to draw up a process for how to get there.
- What should our criteria be for including a topic? Popularity? Objective scientific importance (not easily defined)?
- idem for facilities.