We introduce a new pairwise estimator for observing the polarised kinetic Sunyaev Zeldovich (pkSZ) effect arising from the transverse peculiar velocity of galaxy clusters. The pkSZ effect is a second-order effect in the peculiar velocities of the clusters and has a frequency spectrum that can be decomposed into y-type and blackbody components, whereas the unpolarised linear kSZ effect has a...
Motivated by the recent developments of cosmological models that are based on generalized entropies rather than Boltzmann-Gibbs entropy, we consider stochastically quantized self-interacting scalar fields as suitable models for dark energy. These fields shift information and effectively maximize Tsallis entropy with entropic index q=3. Second quantization effects lead to new and unexpected...
We test Refracted Gravity (RG) [1] by investigating the dynamics of disk galaxies in the Disk Mass Survey (DMS) [2,3,4] and of three elliptical E0 galaxies in the SLUGGS survey [3,4,5] without the aid of dark matter. RG reproduces the rotation curves, the vertical velocity dispersions, and the observed Radial Acceleration Relation (RAR) of DMS galaxies and the root-mean-square (RMS) velocity...
Aiming at unifying General Relativity (GR) and Quantum Mechanics (QM), we apply Born reciprocity and the Relativistic Generalized Uncertainty Principle (RGUP). A novel estimation of the fundamental tensor in discretized curved spacetime is thereby suggested. To this end, Riemann geometry is extended to incorporate the distance-momentum duality symmetry and implement the minimum measurable...