In my talk I show that pre-inflationary quantum fluctuations can provide a scenario for initial conditions for the inflaton field. The proposal is based on the assumption that at very high energies (higher than the energy scale of inflation) the vacuum-expectation value (VeV) of the field is trapped in a false vacuum and then, due to renormalization-group (RG) running, the potential starts to...
We study the reliability of the MG-PICOLA code through resolution tests, where we vary the numerical parameters in the cosmological simulations. We do the analysis with three modified gravity models: Hu-Sawicki $f(R)$, nDGP (the normal branch of the Dvali, Gabadadze, and Porrati model), and the Symmetron. For the DGP model we compare our results with those of the MG-GLAM code. We found that...
Based on the idea of cyclic conformal cosmology, we postulate that supermassive black holes break up at the end of a cycle of creation, and are then broken down at the onset of inflation. To do this, we use the Bose-Einstein Condensation (BEC) formulation to describe the effect of entropy production for black holes, as well as a previous document discussing a quantum number n that is attached...
We discuss the stochastic gravitational wave background emitted from a network of 'quasi-stable' strings and its realization in grand unified theories. A symmetry breaking in the early universe produces monopoles that suffer partial inflation. A subsequent symmetry breaking at a lower energy scale creates cosmic strings which are effectively stable against the breaking via Schwinger...
We consider the minimal extended seesaw model which can accommodate an eV scale sterile neutrino. The scenario also includes three heavy right handed neutrinos in addition to the light sterile neutrino. In this model, the active-sterile mixing act as non-unitary parameters. If the values of these mixing angles are of O(0.1), the model introduces deviation of the PMNS matrix from unitarity to...