Dark Gravity (DG) is a background dependent bimetric and semi-classical extension of General Relativity with an anti-gravitational sector. The foundations of the theory are reviewed. The main theoretical achievement of DG is the avoidance of any singularities (both black hole horizon and cosmic initial singularity) and an ideal framework to understand the cancellation of vacuum energy...
In the string axiverse scenario, light primordial black holes may spin up due to the Hawking emission of a large number of light (sub-MeV) axions. We show that this may trigger superradiant instabilities associated with a heavier axion during the black holes’ evolution, and study the coupled dynamics of superradiance and evaporation. We find, in particular, that the present black hole...
Infall of cold dark matter on a galaxy may result in caustic rings where the particle density is enhanced. They may be searched for as features in the galactic rotation curves. Previous studies suggested the evidence for these caustic rings with universal, that is common for different galaxies, parameters. Here we test this hypothesis with a large independent set of rotation curves by means of...
We use the Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (WIMP) thermal decoupling scenario to probe Cosmologies in dilatonic Einstein Gauss-Bonnet (dEGB) gravity, where the Gauss-Bonnet term is non-minimally coupled to a scalar field with vanishing potential. We put constraints on the model parameters when the ensuing modified cosmological scenario drives the WIMP annihilation cross section beyond the...
We study the one-point probability distribution function (PDF) for matter density averaged over spherical cells. The leading part to the PDF is defined by spherical collapse dynamics, whereas the next-to-leading part comes from the integration over fluctuations around the saddle-point solution. The latter calculation receives sizable contributions from short modes and must be renormalized. We...
Numerous cosmological studies including the equation of state of the Intergalactic medium (IGM) can be well studied using the Lyman-alpha (Lyα) forest. This work aims to develop a machine learning (ML) algorithm to analyze the absorption lines in the Lyα forest. This involves a two-part process: (i) a classification algorithm based on a Deep Neural Network to predict the number of Voigt...