28 August 2023 to 2 September 2023
SISSA Building, Miramare, Trieste, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Resolution test for modified gravity models

30 Aug 2023, 21:35
Main Auditorium (SISSA Building, Miramare, Trieste, Italy)

Main Auditorium

SISSA Building, Miramare, Trieste, Italy

Via Beirut 2, Trieste


Flor de María Lozano Rodríguez


We study the reliability of the MG-PICOLA code through resolution tests, where we vary the numerical parameters in the cosmological simulations. We do the analysis with three modified gravity models: Hu-Sawicki $f(R)$, nDGP (the normal branch of the Dvali, Gabadadze, and Porrati model), and the Symmetron. For the DGP model we compare our results with those of the MG-GLAM code. We found that MG-PICOLA simulations are suitable for the rapid exploration of MG models, since it achieves reliable results on moderately large values of numerical parameters, but with short execution times. We use these results to search for differences between the mass power spectrum of the MG models and that of the standard gravity GR.

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