- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
The key goal of this virtual workshop is to learn from the latest Run 2 results to provide inspiration for new ideas in Run 3. In addition, a variety of tools will be discussed, including: triggers, machine learning, and reconstruction. We will also allow for ample discussion and have a social hour to allow for meeting new people and forming connections and collaborations.
Latest results and vision for a variety of physics topics: Higgs, DiHiggs, Non-Standard Model Higgs decays, Dark matter, long-lived particles and Standard Model measurements
Development of new tools related to trigger hardware and algorithms
Usage of machine learning in reconstruction and analysis of data
Lessons learned and how to apply them to Run
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 918 8588 1484
Passcode: register for workshop
LOCAL ORGANIZERS: Ben Carlson, Brian Batell, Tae Min Hong, Jim Mueller, Keping Xie
EXTERNAL ORGANIZERS: Christian Herwig (Fermilab), Chris Hayes (Michigan)
Q&A. We plan to use the hand raise option in Zoom (you have to load the participants list to see whether a hand is raised). The session chairs will moderate the Q&A, and ask those with raised hands to unmute and proceed with the question. If it is not possible to speak, there will also be a chat box where a question can be typed and relayed to the speaker by the session chairs.