Final Seminars XXXVIII - XXXIX Cycle (Astrophysics)

Room U2-2016

Room U2-2016


Committee: Prof. Alberto Sesana, Prof. Federico Nati and Dr. Golam Shaifullah.

    • 1
      Searching for Gravitational Waves from Individual Supermassive Black Hole Binaries in MeerTime Data and Investigating Gravitational Wave Anisotropy.
      Speaker: Beatrice Moreschi
    • 2
      Analyses of realistic simulations of pulsar timing array datasets.
      Speaker: Irene Ferranti
    • 3
      EM signatures from accreting massive black hole binaries in time domain photometric surveys.
      Speaker: Fabiola Cocchiararo
    • 4
      Evolution of PTA sources from cosmological initial conditions.
      Speaker: Federica Fastidio