Final Seminars XXXVII - XXXVIII Cycle (Astrophysics)


Committee: Prof. Alberto Sesana, Prof. Sebastiano Cantalupo, Prof.ssa Monica Colpi, Dott. Andrea De Luca (INAF), Dott. Sandro Mereghetti (INAF)

    • 1
      Electromagnetic emission from accreting supermassive black hole binaries
      Speaker: Fabiola Cocchiararo
    • 2
      Dynamics of massive black hole binaries in dense stellar systems
      Speaker: Federica Fastidio
    • 3
      Connecting gas and galaxies from the CGM to IGM scales at z~3
      Speaker: Marta Galbiati (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca)
    • 4
      Charting the stellar metallicity evolution of quiescent galaxies across the cosmic time
      Speaker: Fabio Ditrani
    • 5
      Persistent emission of magnetars observed with INTEGRAL
      Speaker: Dominik Patryk Pacholski