Welcome to Indico Global!

9–12 Jun 2020
Europe/Zurich timezone

Recent years have seen several exciting developments in quantum field theory such as the new geometric methods for the construction and study of supersymmetric quantum field theories, the new tools for the  black hole microstate counting and the progress in decoding the dynamics of non-supersymmetric quantum field theories.

The goal of this workshop is to bring together experts in various aspects of this area of research, in order to share recent insights and to discuss the perspectives of this fast-developing field, focusing on the following themes:

  • New methods and techniques for understanding the dynamics of gauge theories in various dimensions
  • Superconformal field theories in various dimensions and their compactifications
  • Relations between supersymmetric partition functions and the counting of black hole microstates
  • Phases and dualities in non-supersymmetric field theories

The workshop will take place from June 9 to June 12, 2020 at the University of Milano-Bicocca. We plan to have about four talks a day, with the rest of the time reserved for discussions among the participants.

This workshop is supported by the ERC Starting Grant 637844-HBQFTNCER.

Given the circumstances, we are sorry to inform you that we decided to cancel our June conference "Recent Developments in Quantum Field Theory" in Milano-Bicocca. We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused. We look forward to meeting you soon in more favourable circumstances.

The registration is now opened.  Please use the following registration form:

Beware of the scam:  It came to our attention that some "companies" look up the names of speakers and participants to upcoming conferences, and call them on their office phone offering to arrange their accommodation "on behalf of the organisers". They typically request your credit card number, and quote prices which are much higher than regular hotel prices. If someone contacts you with such a request claiming to act on behalf of the organisers, it is a scam!


  • Sergio Benvenuti
  • Lakshya Bhardwaj
  • Matthew Buican
  • Stefano Cremonesi
  • Michele Del Zotto
  • Lorenzo Di Pietro
  • Inaki Garcia-Etxebarria
  • Simone Giacomelli
  • Amihay Hanany
  • Hee-cheol Kim
  • Seok Kim
  • Joe Minahan
  • Elli Pomoni
  • Shlomo Razamat
  • Diego Rodriguez-Gomez
  • Sakura Schäfer-Nameki
Aula Luisella Sironi, U4 - 8, University of Milano-Bicocca