Joint INFN-UNIMI-UNIMIB Pheno Seminars

Inclusive rare semileptonic B decays (B -> Xs l^+ l-): current status and prospects for LHCb and Belle-II

by Dr Enrico Lunghi (Indiana University)


Inclusive rare semileptonic B decays (B->Xs l+ l-) probe the very same physics that is at the heart of the famous anomalies found by LHCb in various exclusive b->sll decays. Even though inclusive modes are much harder to measure than the corresponding exclusive ones, they offer a unique opportunity to cross check the anomalies using observables which suffer from a completely orthogonal set of theoretical uncertainties. In this talk I discuss the state of art calculations of the three observables that can be constructed in inclusive decays and discuss how measurements performed at Belle, BaBar and LHCb can already shed light on the anomalies. I conclude with a presentation of the expected constraints that can be obtained using the full expected Belle-II data set and, if time allows, with a discussion of strategies to improve the extrapolation in the Xs invariant mass that is required, at low-q2, to connect the experimental fiducial region to the total rate.