Joint INFN-UNIMI-UNIMIB Pheno Seminars

Photoproduction and Diffraction at NLO in Sherpa

by Peter Meinzinger (UZH)

Aula U1-07 Marchetti (Milano Bicocca)

Aula U1-07 Marchetti

Milano Bicocca


Electron-proton colliders offer a clean perspective on the content of hadrons and the upcoming Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) at BNL will---among other programmes---resolve the nuclear structures not only in longitudinal momentum, but also transverse space and transverse momentum. To reach this goal, precise predictions are needed for the interpretation of the data. While the high-Q^2 regime, i.e. DIS, has been very well understood, photoproduction, diffractive DIS and diffractive photoproduction have not seen the same progress, despite contributing significantly to the total cross-section. I will discuss the phenomenology of these regimes and review recent studies in which we provided the first hadron-level predictions at matched NLO accuracy for them.