Joint INFN-UNIMI-UNIMIB Pheno Seminars

Energy correlators for gluon splitting to heavy quarks

by Jasmine Therese Brewer (University of Oxford (GB))

Aula Caldirola (Università degli Studi di Milano)

Aula Caldirola

Università degli Studi di Milano

Via Celoria 16, 20133 Milano

Energy correlators inside of high energy jets provide a powerful tool to image the intrinsic and emergent angular scales of QCD. They are particularly powerful in heavy-ion collisions, where they can provide unprecedented insight on the interplay between the vacuum scales inside of a jet and its modification in the quark-gluon plasma. However, as with traditional jet substructure, experimentally these correlators will mix different angular features associated with quark and gluon jets. We show that energy correlators of jets containing a gluon splitting to heavy quarks can resolve this problem, by providing clean experimental access to two- and three-point correlators with known parton flavors through jets tagged with heavy hadrons. We calculate the medium modification of the two-point energy correlator of the gluon splitting to heavy quarks, and demonstrate how the quark mass gives direct access to formation time-dependent medium modification in these correlators.