MWAPP meeting

Timothy Gershon (University of Warwick (GB)), Ulrik Egede (Monash University (AU))

Meeting to discuss collaboration within the Monash Warwick Alliance in Particle Physics (MWAPP)

    • 1
      Introduction and news
      Speakers: Timothy Gershon (University of Warwick (GB)), Ulrik Egede (Monash University (AU))
    • 2
      Progress on EvtGen and Pythia developments
      Speaker: Dr Fernando Abudinén (University of Warwick (GB))
    • 3
      Update on MCplots
      Speaker: Natalia Korneeva (National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (RU))
    • 4
      Proposed method to share measurements using surrogate data
      Speaker: Riley Henderson (Monash University (AU))
    • 5
      TORCH status
      Speaker: Eliot Jane Walton (Monash University (AU))
    • 6
      Lab set-up at Monash
      Speaker: Sam Michael Dekkers (Monash University (AU))
    • 7
      Brief reports by other MWAPP funded group members

      Fernando, Yuki, Jake, Riley, Alex, Eliot, Matthew