Neutrino Oscillations: Where we are, where we're going

by Dr Kevin Kelly (Fermilab)


Abstract: In the last several decades, neutrino oscillations have gone from an experimental anomaly to robust evidence for beyond-the-Standard-Model physics. While much has been learned since the first experiments, several aspects of oscillations remain unknown, including the degree to which CP is violated in the lepton sector. In this talk, I will explore our current knowledge of neutrino oscillations, and discuss how the next generation of experiments can further enlighten us. These upcoming experiments have the ability to test "standard" and BSM neutrino oscillation hypotheses, as well as a multitude of non-neutrino BSM physics.


Organizer's note: unfortunately we did not realize until the last minute that this seminar clashes with the APS Webinar on the TEAM-UP report (AIP National Task Force to Elevate African American Representation in Undergraduate Physics & Astronomy). If you are attending the BSM PANDEMIC seminar, we strongly encourage you to watch the APS recording once it is available here:

Organised by

David Curtin