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- Indico Weeks View
Since the discovery of the Higgs boson, there have been active planning efforts for the future of high energy physics beyond the LHC. Several Higgs factories based on electron-positron colliders have been actively considered. This meeting, to be held at the Catholic University of America during April 22-23, 2020, will focus on the Future Circular Collider (FCC-ee), Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC), the International Linear Collider (ILC), and Compact Linear Collider (CLIC). The main goal is promoting collaborations among communities working on future high energy colliders as well as facilitating the formation of international collaborations. The workshop will discuss the detector requirements for high-precision measurements, including the differing requirements for detectors at circular and linear colliders.
The meeting follows very successful meetings in Chicago, Rome, and Oxford. To be held right after the APS DPF meeting, it will also serve as an opportunity platform to engage with the broader HEP community in the US, in preparation for possible community planning exercises in the future.
The event will convene on Catholic University's campus Wednesday, April 22 through Thursday April 23.
Locations: Majority of the sessions will be held in the Pryzbyla Center in the middle of campus. See the timetable for the room information. Please consult the map attached to "Directions" menu for locations.
Parking: Parking fee is $18.25 for 2 days of parking. Please park your car in the McMahon parking lot and then pick up your parking passes at the registration desk in the Pryzbyla Center Atrium from Terrie McPherson. [more. info posted on the "Directions" page].
Registration fee is $150. The registration fee includes:
In addition, there is a banquet for $50 on Wednesday night
Please use the "Payment" menu option to finish the registration and payment. You will be prompted to use an external account or signup for a IRIS account at CUA for this step.
Local Organizers: Aaron Dominguez, Rachel Bartek, Terrie McPherson, Sarah Eno
Program Committee: Chris Tully, Michael Peskin, Jianming Qian, Joao Guimaraes Da Costa, LianTao Wang, Gao Jie, Young Kee Kim, Markus Klute, Paolo Giacomelli, Charlie Young, Aaron Dominguez, Lucie Linssen, Rafael Coelho Lopes de Sa