3–7 Jun 2019
ITER Headquarters (B72)
Europe/Paris timezone

Real-Time Radiation Dose Monitor System

5 Jun 2019, 14:06
Cosylab Arena (ITER Headquarters (B72))

Cosylab Arena

ITER Headquarters (B72)

ITER Organization Route de Vinon-sur-Verdon 13067 St. Paul-lez-Durance (France)
Lightning talk IOC Developments Thunderstorm


Mrs Min Yang (SOKENDAI/ KEK)


The real-time radiation dose monitor system is based on EPICS, and the system hardware is mainly composed of Raspberry Pi and XBee wireless communication module. The system designed the monitor function which can transfer the radiation dose value from dose meter to local PC wirelessly in a distance.


Mrs Min Yang (SOKENDAI/ KEK)


Mr Noboru Yamamoto (KEK/J-PARC) Mr Norihiko Kamikubota (KEK/J-PARC)

Presentation materials