11–14 Aug 2024
University of Maryland, College Park
US/Eastern timezone

Progress in Lattice calculations for the Boer-Mulders function of the pion

13 Aug 2024, 08:30
University of Maryland, College Park

University of Maryland, College Park


Lisa Walter


We focus on the Boer-Mulders function of the pion and use the CLS ensembles X650 (a = 0.098 fm), H102 (a = 0.085 fm) and N203 (a = 0.064 fm) to study this quantity and later allow for a controlled continuum extrapolation. The pion masses of these ensembles are approximately equal, as they range between 338 and 354 MeV. Here, preliminary results of the ongoing work are shown, including extractions of the bare matrix elements, determination of the short distance renormalization factors $Z_O$, and matching to the light-cone. A main goal of the current work is to determine the largest momentum $P^z$ at which we still see a sufficient signal.


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