11–14 Aug 2024
University of Maryland, College Park
US/Eastern timezone

Towards Hybrid-Renormalized Gluon Parton Distribution Function from LaMET

14 Aug 2024, 11:50
University of Maryland, College Park

University of Maryland, College Park


William Good (Michigan State University)


We present the first attempt at using the hybrid-ratio renormalization scheme on gluon quasi-lightfront correlators from lattice quantum chromodynamics with $a \approx 0.12$ fm at pion masses $M_\pi \approx 310$ and $690$ MeV. We measured over 1.2 million two-point correlators and used momentum smearing and aggressive gauge link smearing for the gluon operator to obtain a reasonable level of signal up to a hadron boost momentum of 2.14 GeV. We compare the gluon matrix elements to those reconstructed from the CT18 global fit gluon PDF using the hybrid-ratio matching kernel.


William Good (Michigan State University)


Kinza Hasan (Michigan State University) Huey-Wen Lin

Presentation materials