11–14 Aug 2024
University of Maryland, College Park
US/Eastern timezone

Lightcone and quasi distribution amplitudes for light octet and decuplet baryons

14 Aug 2024, 09:40
University of Maryland, College Park

University of Maryland, College Park


chao han


We present a comprehensive investigation of leading-twist lightcone distribution amplitudes (LCDAs) and quasi distribution amplitudes (quasi-DAs) for light octet and decuplet baryons within large momentum effective theory. In LaMET, LCDAs can be factorized in terms of a hard kernel and quasi-DAs that are defined as spatial correlators and calculable on Lattice QCD.
To renormalize quasi-DAs and eliminate the singular terms $\ln(\mu^2 z_i^2)'s$ in them, which undermine the efficacy in perturbative expansion, we adopt a hybrid renormalization scheme that combines the self-renormalization and ratio scheme. Through self-renormalization, we eliminate UV divergences and linear divergences at large spatial separations in quasi distribution amplitudes without introducing additional nonperturbative effects. By taking a ratio with respect to the zero-momentum matrix element, we effectively remove UV divergences at small spatial separations.
Under the hybrid renormalization scheme, we calculate the hard kernels up to one-loop accuracy. It turns out that only four different hard kernels are needed for all leading-twist LCDAs of octet and decuplet baryons. These results are crucial for the lattice-based exploration of the LCDAs of a light baryon from the first principle of QCD.


Dr Jialu Zhang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Dr Jun Zeng (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Wei Wang Yushan Su (University of Maryland) chao han

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