We discuss a general framework for the evaluation of the parton distribution, distribution amplitudes as well as the form factors in light hadrons in the QCD vacuum. At medium resolution of the order of the inverse mean instanton size, the glue is mostly localized in single or pair of pseudoparticles, and globally constrained by the fluctuations of their topological charges. These pseudoparticles trap light quarks, giving rise to emerging multiflavor 't Hooft interactions. In this approach the quantum breaking of conformal symmetry and U(1) chiral symmetry is encoded in the form of stronger-than-Poisson fluctuations in the number of instantons and gaussian fluctuations in the topological charge. The spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking emerges naturally by the interaction between instantons and quarks, forming the light mesons.
For partonic structures, this framework is used to estimate the distribution amplitudes and parton distributions for pion, kaon and rho mesons.
For hadronic form factors, this framework is used to estimate pion and rho electromagnetic form factors, gluonic scalar, pseudoscalar and energy-momentum tensor (EMT), the leading C-odd and C-even three gluons hadronic form factors, as well as the proton and neutron electric dipole moment induced by a small CP violating $\theta$ at low resolution.
The ILM results compare well with those of recent lattice QCD calculations as well as the experimental analysis. Our results for the mass and spin composition of the nucleon are also shown to be in good agreement with the recently reported lattice results at higher resolution.