11–14 Aug 2024
University of Maryland, College Park
US/Eastern timezone

Exploring the heavy meson distribution amplitudes from lattice QCD

13 Aug 2024, 10:45
University of Maryland, College Park

University of Maryland, College Park


Qi-An Zhang


We present a method to compute lightcone distribution amplitudes (LCDAs) of heavy meson within heavy quark effective theory (HQET). Our method utilizes quasi distribution amplitudes (quasi-DAs) with a large momentum component $P^z$. We point out that by sequentially integrating out $P^z$ and $m_H$, one can disentangle different dynamical scales. Integrating out $P^z$ allows to connect quasi-DAs to QCD LCDAs, and then integrating out $m_H$ enables to relate QCD LCDAs to HQET LCDAs. To verify this proposal, we make use of lattice QCD simulation on a lattice ensemble with spacing $a = 0.05187$fm. The preliminary findings for HQET LCDAs qualitatively align with phenomenological models. Using a recent model for HQET LCDAs, we also fit the first inverse moment $\lambda_B^{-1}$ and the result is consistent with the experimentally constrain from $B \to \gamma \ell\nu_\ell$. This agreement demonstrates the promise of our method in providing first-principle predictions for heavy meson LCDAs.


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