7–9 Dec 2021
US/Eastern timezone

x-dependence of transversity GPDs on the lattice

9 Dec 2021, 10:55



Aurora Scapellato


In this talk we present results for isovector transversity generalized parton distributions (GPDs) of the proton obtained within lattice QCD. We employ the quasi-distribution formalism, which relies on computations of nonlocal matrix elements of boosted hadron states. Large momentum effective theory (LaMET) is then used to match quasi- to light-cone GPDs.
Results are obtained on an $N_f=2+1+1$ ensemble of maximally twisted mass fermions, with pion mass $M_\pi=260$ MeV and lattice spacing $a\simeq 0.093$ fm. The proton is boosted up to 1.67 GeV. Using this setup we disentangle the four transversity GPDs that exist for the proton ($H_T$, $E_T$, $\tilde{H}_T$, $\tilde{E}_T$) and extract the $x$-dependence of the GPDs at zero and nonzero skewness.


Aurora Scapellato Constantia Alexandrou Fernanda Steffens (University of Bonn ) Karl Jansen (DESY) Krzystof Cichy (Adam Mickiewicz University ) Kyriakos Hadjiyiannakou (The Cyprus Institute) Martha Constantinou (Temple University)

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