15–18 Aug 2017
Fudan University
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Welcome to the International Workshop on

"Phases of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) and Beam Energy Scan Program with Heavy Ion Collisions"

that will take place August 15-18, 2017 at Fudan University, Shanghai China

The goal of this workshop is to bring together theorists and experimentalists worldwide to discuss the current status and future opportunities for exploring the phases of QCD matter through the Beam Energy Scan program at RHIC and beyond. With the planned RHIC isobaric collisions in 2018 and BES II in 2019 and 2020 as well as the FAIR and NICA on the horizon, it is an exciting time for investigating the QCD emergent properties at finite baryon density. The workshop plans to have intensive discussions on status and future for the search of anomalous chiral transport effects as well as the search of chiral critical point and 1st order phase transitions. The workshop also aims to strongly promote the communications and facilitate future collaborations among scientists in and outside China who share common interests in this research frontier. 

This workshop is sponsored by the Physics Department of Fudan University and the Institute of Modern Physics of Fudan University. The workshop is also endorsed by the Beam Energy Scan Theory (BEST) Collaboration.  


Fudan University
Shanghai, China
Event Coordinator: Heting Li ( liheting@fudan.edu.cn )