Presentation materials
The limitations of bond wire performance under pulsed conditions are of particular interest in the development of high current Photoconductive Semiconductor Switches (PCSS) for pulsed power applications. Literature regarding the limitations of bonded wires under DC (steady state) conditions are readily available. However, the current carrying capability of bond wires under pulsed conditions...
Numerical Studies into the Possibility of ″Lock-On″ in a GaN Photoconductive Switch for High Power Applications
Animesh R. Chowdhury and Ravindra P. Joshi
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409.
“Lock-On” was reported for GaAs and InP Photoconductive Semiconductor Switches (PCSS) over two decades ago [1]. More recently, focus has shifted to...
We report on the development of a 10-kV SiC MOSFET-based switching module, which can be easily scaled-up because of the principle of a serial connection of the SiC MOSFETs. In detail, the switching module consists of two circuit boards, each one featuring five Wolfspeed 1200-V C2M0080120D SiC MOSFETs, that are getting stacked in order to minimize the area of the current loop between high...
The controlled turn-less structure motor (CTM) described in other papers of this conference requires arrays of high current low voltage inverters occupying a width of ~6mm and distributed around the periphery of a motor.
The recently developed class of semiconductor switches which operate at the 10 to 50Volts range and planar current density in the 3-4kA/cm2 range both in Si and GaN, opens...
In the microsecond and sub-microsecond pulsed power area, compared with other traditional gas switches, the IGBT switch has the advantage of short recovery time, high reliability and high power density, etc. The soldered IGBT has high parasitic inductance and failure problem due to the wire bonding and single-side heat dissipation, while the new type of press-pack IGBT could make an effective...
High power photoconductive switch (PCSS) is an attractive device in pulse power systems. For the wide bandgap (3.26 eV), high critical field strength (3 MV/cm), and high thermal conductivity [4.9 W/(cm∙K)], semi-insulating 4H-SiC was considered an ideal material for PCSS. The on-state switch resistance should be as lower as better for high power output, but only about 1 Ohm on-state resistance...
A capability of the impact-ionization triggering of commercial thyristors was shown in our previous work. Thyristors of tablet design were triggered by an external overvoltage pulse applied across the thyristor main electrodes. The triggering pulse voltage rise rate at least 1 kV/ns was required. Under such conditions, the thyristor turns into a conductive state within 200 to 400 ps due to...