Sep 27 – 30, 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

Development of a new wideband heterodyne receiver system (RF: 210–375 GHz, IF: 4–21 GHz) for the Osaka 1.85-mm mm-submm telescope

Not scheduled
Invited Talk Invited Talks Receivers (SIS)


We report the development of a wideband receiver system using a corrugated horn covering 210–375 GHz (56% fractional bandwidth; Yamasaki et al. 2021, PASJ), wideband waveguide multiplexers (Masui et al. 2021, PASJ), and a wideband SIS-mixer with an IF (intermediate frequency) output of 4-21 GHz (Kojima et al. 2020, A&A). In the system, the RF signal from the horn is divided into two frequency bands by a wideband diplexer with a fractional bandwidth of 56%, and then each frequency band is further divided into two bands by each diplexer. One of the SIS-mixers connected has a wideband 4–21 GHz intermediate frequency (IF) output. This receiver system has been installed on the 1.85 m telescope of Osaka Prefecture University located at the Nobeyama Radio Observatory. We succeeded in simultaneous observations of six CO isotopologue lines with the transitions of J = 2–1 and J = 3–2 toward the Orion KL as well as on-the-fly mappings toward the Orion KL and W 51 with the developed system.


Toshikazu Onishi (Osaka Prefecture University)


Mr Sho Masui (Osaka Prefecture University) Mr Yasumasa Yamasaki (Osaka Prefecture University) Prof. Hideo Ogawa (Osaka Prefecture University) Dr Takafumi Kojima (NAOJ) Dr Alvaro Gonzalez (NAOJ)

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