Welcome to the homepage of the 2022 edition of the 'Asymptotic Safety meets Particle Physics and Friends' workshop, to be held in person.
The aim of this informal workshop is to bring together QFT practitioners from different areas to discuss new ideas, progress, and challenges at the interface between formal theory and model building and data. Topics to be covered range from critical phenomena in particle physics, condensed matter, and gravity, to new directions in model building and LHC phenomenology, and more.

This is the 9th event of this kind. Registration is open for invited participants, with further information to follow shortly.
The workshop will take place "Im Quantenfeld" at the Albert Einstein Hall, DESY, Hamburg. The building is marked as 28c in sector 1c on the DESY map. Please head to the seminar room on the second floor.

The conference dinner will take place 19:00 at Dübelsbrücker Kajüt, Elbchaussee 303, 22605 Hamburg. To get there, take bus line 1 outside DESY main entrance towards “Rissen” or “Sieversstücken”. Exit at “Elbe-Einkaufzentrum” and take the bus line 21 to Teufelsbrück. Departure times are 18:29, arriving 18:50, as well as 18:39 arriving 19:00 (total trip). Further information about connections are found here.
We recommend to book accommodation in one of the hotels listed here. Unfortunately, there are no rooms available at the DESY hostel.
This workshop is supported by the Helmholtz Alliance ``Physics at the Terascale".