24–27 Mar 2025
UCLA Physics and Astronomy Building 1-425
US/Pacific timezone


Registration for the UCLA Dark Matter 2025

Contact info

To register for the UCLA Dark Matter 2025, provide the information requested below. Please note that, although after submitting your information you will see in a green banner the message "Your registration has been completed", the registration is actually not complete until you pay the registration fee. To pay it please follow the link “Registration - payment” in the menu on the left-hand side of this page. Please note that the early Registration runs from 9/16/24 to11/30/24 and the cost is 600 USD. Banquet fee is 50 USD for registered participants and 100 USD for guests. After 11/30/24 late registration fee is 700 USD. Prices for the banquet remain the same. We encourage participants to register as early as possible to facilitate our planning.

Thanks to the generous support of Kudu (https://kudu.com/) we can offer a limited number of reduced registration fees for graduate students (400 USD instead of 600 USD for early registration). Interested students should have their advisor write a short email to darkmatter@physics.ucla.edu, explaining how the research fits within the scope of the conference, and why it is important for the student to attend. Be sure to include in the message a brief description of the proposed talk or poster, if applicable. Applicants that fit within the scope of the conference will be given an access code for the reduced registration fee, on a first come first served basis.

Registration and Payment link: https://commerce.cashnet.com/DARKMATTER