24–27 Mar 2025
UCLA Physics and Astronomy Building 1-425
US/Pacific timezone

Macroscopic dark matter: fermi balls and black holes

25 Mar 2025, 14:45
UCLA Physics and Astronomy Building 1-425

UCLA Physics and Astronomy Building 1-425

475 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90095 darkmatter@physics.ucla.edu


zachary picker (UCLA)


I will discuss the formation of macroscopic dark matter from interacting dark sectors. Specifically,Fermi balls can form in dark sectors with a heavy fermion and a light scalar mediated Yukawa force. I'll discuss the behavior of these Fermi balls and the conditions under which they will collapse to form primordial black holes. Based on arXiv:2411.17074.



Prof. Alexander Kusenko (UCLA) Prof. Stefano Profumo (UCSC) Mr Yifan Lu (UCLA)

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