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March 29, 2023 to April 1, 2023
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Structure Formation and the Global 21-cm Signal in the Presence of Coulomb-like Dark Matter-Baryon Interactions

Mar 29, 2023, 7:32 PM
Faculty Center

Faculty Center

Poster Indirect dark matter detection Reception and Poster Session in the same room


George Driskell (University of Southern California)


Interactions between dark matter (DM) and baryons in which the cross section scales with relative particle velocity as $𝑣^{−4}$ has enjoyed a lot of attention in DM literature as a generalization of the popular millicharge model. This model has interesting astrophysical phenomenology and was previously proposed as a mechanism to cool down hydrogen at Cosmic Dawn and alter the global 21-cm signal. In this work, we present the first self-consistent modeling of the effect of $𝑣^{−4}$ DM–baryon scattering that accounts for the effects of interactions on structure formation, in addition to their effects on the thermal history of hydrogen. We show that 𝑣−4 scattering with cross sections needed to significantly alter the temperature of baryons also significantly suppresses and delays the growth of structure at epochs relevant for the 21-cm signal, implying that the two effects should be considered jointly. We show that in the context of the EDGES anomaly, consideration of both effects entirely eliminates millicharge as a viable model, even in absence of any other observational bounds. For the case of $𝑣^{−4}$ scattering with neutral targets, the same effects dramatically narrow the viable parameter space. These results critically inform modeling of the global 21-cm signal and structure formation in cosmologies with DM–baryon scattering, with repercussions for future and upcoming cosmological data analysis.


George Driskell (University of Southern California)

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