29 March 2023 to 1 April 2023
US/Pacific timezone

DMRadio-m3: An Overview

29 Mar 2023, 19:20
Faculty Center

Faculty Center

Poster Axions, Alps, Wisps as dark matter Reception and Poster Session in the same room


Nicholas M. Rapidis (Stanford University)


Targeting the DFSZ model of the axion between 30 and 200 MHz and the KSVZ model down to 10 MHz, DMRadio-m3 will operate a lumped-element LC resonator at unprecedented sensitivities. The m3 experiment uses a 4.6 T superconducting solenoidal magnet design, as opposed to the toroidal design that is intended for the DMRadio-50L search. The m3 detector is comprised of a lumped element LC resonator and low noise receiver chain using dc SQUIDs, requiring vibration mitigation strategies. We present the overview of the DMRadio-m3 experiment and a broad path forward to its commissioning at SLAC.



Nicholas M. Rapidis (Stanford University)

Presentation materials