Hao Chen
We are developing a dual-phase crystalline/vapor xenon time projection chamber (TPC) as a potential upgrade path for the LZ or XENON dark matter search experiments, after they finish their current experimental operations. We expect it to enable full exclusion or tagging of the dominant radon-chain backgrounds in these instruments, while maintaining all of the known instrumental benefits and performance of a liquid xenon TPC. In this way, it could enable the current O(10) tonne experiments to reach the neutrino detection limit in <20 years. This talk will present recent results of the instrumental performance as well as a first demonstration of the radon exclusion power of crystalline xenon with respect to liquid xenon.
Hao Chen
Ryan Gibbons
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Scott Haselschwardt
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Scott Kravitz
(The University of Texas at Austin)
Shilo Qing Xia
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Peter Sorensen
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)