The QCD axion is a compelling dark-matter candidate. The axion is a hypothetical particle, arising from the Pecci-Quinn solution to the strong CP problem in quantum chromodynamics. The Axion Dark Matter eXperiment (ADMX) is searching for cold dark matter axions in the halo of our galaxy. ADMX is the largest operating axion haloscope. It consists of a high-$Q$ microwave resonator immersed in a...
The matter component of the Universe is mostly filled with what we cannot see; dark matter. The existence of dark matter is a crucial phenomenological evidence for physics Beyond the Standard Model. Among the dark matter candidate particles, the Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) and the Axions are the most outstanding contender. In this talk, I will discuss about the recent progress...
The QCD axion is an excellent light dark matter candidate, while also
naturally explaining CP-conservation in strong interactions. Axions
generated after inflation are expected to have masses around 100µeV,
which is at present inaccessible by existing cavity searches.
Galactic axions can be converted to electromagnetic radiation at
boundaries between different dielectric constants under a...
ABRACADABRA-10cm (ABRA-10cm) is a pathfinder experiment searching for axion dark matter (ADM) in the well-motivated parameter space for masses below 1 micro-eV. The next-generation experiment DMRadio-m3 brings together the expertise developed for the ABRA-10cm and DMRadio Pathfinder efforts and is being developed under the DOE Dark Matter New Initiatives program. In this talk, I will review...
The Haloscope At Yale Sensitive To Axion Cold dark matter (HAYSTAC) is a pathfinder and an innovation testbed for the 2.5-12 GHz (10-50 μeV) mass range. Operational since 2015, it has from the beginning utilized Josephson Parametric Amplifiers which have enabled it to achieve a system noise temperature at only 2x the Standard Quantum Limit (SQL), and thus probe in the QCD model band at masses...
The nature of dark matter is one of the most important open problems in modern physics. Axions and axion-like particles (ALPs) are strongly-motivated ultra-light dark matter candidates. Nuclear spins interacting with axion-like background dark matter experience a torque, oscillating at the axion Compton frequency. The Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiments (CASPEr) use precision magnetometry...
We discuss a new strategy for searching for dark matter axions using tunable cryogenic plasmas. Unlike current experiments, which repair the mismatch between axion and photon masses by breaking translational invariance (cavity and dielectric haloscopes), a plasma haloscope enables resonant conversion by matching the axion mass to a plasma frequency. A key advantage is that the plasma frequency...