Presentation materials
Persistent tension between low-redshift observations and the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation (CMB) suggests residual systematics or new physics beyond the standard LCDM model. Local observations of baryon acoustic oscillations with low-redshift distance calibrators can constrain the value of the Hubble constant and the sound horizon in a cosmologically independent way. When compared to...
As luminous tracers of the smallest observationally accessible dark matter halos, faint satellite galaxies orbiting the Milky Way (MW) have the potential to dramatically improve our understanding of dark matter microphysics. However, the confounding effects of baryonic physics on halo abundances and galaxy formation have made the interpretation of the observed MW satellite population unclear....
The clumpiness of dark matter on sub-kpc scales is highly sensitive to the tidal evolution and survival of subhaloes. In agreement with previous studies, we show that N-body realisations of cold dark matter subhaloes with centrally-divergent density cusps form artificial constant-density cores on the scale of the resolution limit of the simulation. These density cores drive the artificial...
A prominent population of stars with a high radial velocity anisotropy has recently been discovered in the inner stellar halo, using the second data release from the Gaia satellite. An important question regarding this stellar structure, is the properties of its unknown dark matter component in the Solar neighborhood. Determining the fraction and anisotropy of this dark matter component is...
In my talk, I will present new constraints on sterile neutrino mixing parameters obtained from both cosmological and direct measurements. For the first time, we model the sterile in a full 3+1 framework coupled to all other neutrino flavours and consistently calculate the cosmological perturbations. CMB data dominates the resulting constraints on mass splitting and the mixing matrix elements....