25–28 Mar 2020
US/Pacific timezone

Status and plans for the NA64 experiment at CERN

25 Mar 2020, 19:14
UCLA Faculty Center (UCLA)

UCLA Faculty Center


480 Charles E Young Dr E, Los Angeles, CA 90095, United States
Poster Dark matter searches at accelerators RECEPTION and POSTER SESSION IN THE SAME ROOM


Johannes Bernhard (CERN)


The NA64 experiment at CERN searches for dark matter produced in both visible and invisible decays of sub-GeV vector mediators, for instance the dark photon A’. In a first data taking period from 2016-2018, A’ production from the reaction e−Z → e−ZA′ and subsequent decays A’→χχ and A’ → e+e− was studied with the help of an active dump experiment using 100 GeV/c electrons. Recently, an extension of the performed searches was proposed using a 150 GeV/c muon beam, available at the M2 beam line at CERN. These measurements would allow for additional coverage of parameter space towards higher A’ masses and would open the possibility for searches for a possible Zµ that would couple only to second and third generation leptons. We will present both the analysis of the available NA64 data with an emphasis on the search for a possible X(17) boson as well as future plans for searches with muon and electron beams that are proposed within the “Physics Beyond Colliders” framework at CERN, including optimisation of the M2 optics and integration studies for implementing NA64µ in the EHN2 experimental area.


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