25–28 Mar 2020
US/Pacific timezone

Sterile Neutrinos, Dark Matter, and the Dark Sector

25 Mar 2020, 14:30
PAB- 1-425 (UCLA)

PAB- 1-425


UCLA Department of Physics and Astronomy 475 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90095
Talk Sterile neutrinos as dark matter Session 3


Prof. George Fuller (UC San Diego)


Electroweak singlets, sterile neutrinos, remain viable dark matter candidates. It is tantalizing that much remains mysterious about the physics of the neutrino sector. Luckily, neutrinos impact key issues in cosmology and compact objects, and new physics in this sector therefore may reveal itself. Moreover, the advent of new neutrino experiments, and planned next generation X-ray observatories, promise to close in definitively on the issue of sterile neutrino dark matter.


Prof. George Fuller (UC San Diego)

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