25–28 Mar 2020
US/Pacific timezone

Status of the PICO-40L Experiment

27 Mar 2020, 12:15
PAB- 1-425 (UCLA)

PAB- 1-425


UCLA Department of Physics and Astronomy 475 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90095
Talk Non-directional direct dark matter detection Session 12


Carsten Krauss (University of Alberta)


PICO-40L is the most advanced bubble chamber using about 50kg of a fluorine rich target material. The detector has a new chamber concept without buffer fluid, eliminating the backgrounds associated with the water in contact with the active liquid in previous PICO bubble chambers. We will report the status of the commissioning and give a first indication of the background rates in the chamber.


Carsten Krauss (University of Alberta)

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