25–28 Mar 2020
US/Pacific timezone

Low Mass Dark Matter Searches with SuperCDMS and CUTE

28 Mar 2020, 09:00
PAB- 1-425 (UCLA)

PAB- 1-425


UCLA Department of Physics and Astronomy 475 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90095
Talk Non-directional direct dark matter detection Session 16


Ryan Underwood (Queens University)


The Super Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (SuperCDMS) employs cryogenic germanium and silicon detectors to search for dark matter with a focus on low-mass dark matter particles. As SuperCDMS prepares for the next generation facility to come online at SNOLAB, new detectors are tested at the Cryogenic Underground TEst facility (CUTE), which provides a low-background environment and thus presents the opportunity to take advantage of the very low thresholds of these new detectors for potential early searches for low-mass dark matter.

This talk will cover the recently published results from a search for low-mass dark matter signals in electron-recoil data from SuperCDMS Soudan as well as the ongoing detector testing and emerging opportunities for early low-mass dark matter searches at CUTE.


Ryan Underwood (Queens University)

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