In this part we will make an extensive reexamination of the baryon-baryon interaction discussing the different approaches that have been and are used in its construction. Then we will concentrate on several of the theoretical methods currently used to construct the nuclear EoS. We will illustrate both ab-inutio and phenomenological methods at zero and finite temperature and we will comfront...
In this part we will analyze the importance of the nuclear EoS on the properties of neutron stars. We will discuss the main open challenges in the description of the EoS, mainly focussing on the limits of the current many-body techniques, the so-called "hyperon puzzle" and the dependence of cooling properties on the nuclar EoS.
The lectures will detail the high-density cold quark-matter equation
of state (EoS) as described by perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics (pQCD), and
how this can constrain the Neutron Star EoS at lower densities. Topics covered
will include: (i) framework of relativistic thermal and high-density
perturbation theory, (ii) infrared problems in thermal field theory and their
resolution for...