Nuclear reactions at low and intermediate energies: Nuclear reaction models in GEANT4
- Daniel Cano Ott (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tecno)
Nuclear reactions at low and intermediate energies
- Daniel Cano Ott (Centro de Investigaciones Energéti cas Medioambientales y Tecno)
Nuclear reactions at low and intermediate energies: Nuclear reactions II
- Nasser Kalantar-Nayestanaki (KVI-CART, University of Groningen)
This session is dedicated to GEANT4 developments for nuclear reactions at low and intermediate energies.
Geant4 allows to use the information available in ENDF-6 format data libraries for the transport of low energy neutrons and charged particles (up to 20 MeV). This is done by the so called G4ParticleHP model (previously G4NeutronHP). We will show the performance of the model, showing its capabilities and limitations. We will also talk about how to use it and about which simulations can be done...
High and intermediate energy hadronic models should have a sub-model for simulation of nuclear de-excitation processes. In Geant4 there is a general pre-compound model and a general de-excitation module, which are used by many hadronic models. These models were recently modified and improved. Different aspects of these models are discussed and new validation results are presented.
Despite of its large use, the models implemented in Geant4 have shown severe limitations in reproducing the measured secondary yields in ions interaction below 100 MeV/n, in term of production rates, angular and energy distributions.
For this reason, we coupled BLOB (Boltzmann-Langevin One Body), a models dedicated to simulate such interactions, with Geant4 and its de-excitation phase.
The Glauber-Gribov approach (corrections for both elastic and inelastic nucleon screening) is considered for the description of light nucleus-nucleus cross-sections. It was found that electromagnetic nucleus radii are result in better description of measurements. The calculations are compared with experimental data for the reaction cross-sections
Fission in Geant4 is currently simulated as both a separate process and as a de-excitation model in other inelastic processes. Several different models exist, each with different interfaces and functionalities. This has led to confusion about which models are used and what they do, and to the possibility of users double counting fission by incorrect assignment in physics lists. The...
INCL (Liège Intranuclear Cascade) is an intranuclear cascade model, a first step for modeling spallation reactions. It is usually combined with the de-excitation code Abla to simulate the entire reaction.
We will quickly present how this model developed during the last three decades. We will also show how its present high reliability has been achieved, how it has been extended toward the low...
The Doppler-Shift Attenuation Method (DSAM) and the Recoil-Distance Method (RDM) are
powerful tools to measure nuclear level lifetimes in the (sub) pico-second range which are used to
determine model-independent transition strengths.
With respect to the common analysis of DSAM experiments, one can distinguish between
analytical approaches and tools using Monte-Carlo methods. The latter...
The calculation of the neutrons produced in (alpha,xn) reactions in a certain material require the calculation of the alpha-tracks, the cross sections of the neutron production reactions involved and the energy distributions of the secondary neutron energy distributions.
All these ingredients are present in Geant4, namely the slowing down of the alpha particles (EM physics), the neutron...