24–26 Apr 2019
Other Institutes
Europe/Zurich timezone

Characterization of CsI(Tl) and LYSO(Ce) detectors scintillators and validation with MCNPX and GEANT4 codes.

24 Apr 2019, 15:30
Other Institutes

Other Institutes

CIEMAT Main auditorium - building 1 Avda. Complutense 40 28040 Madrid Spain
Oral Detector simulation Detector simulation


Dr Issam MOUHTI (Ph.D student)Prof. Abdellatif ELANQUE (Professor in Ibn Zohr University)



The Monte Carlo method is used to calculate the photon detection efficiency of scintillator detectors exposed to gamma rays in the energy range of 59.5 KeV to 1274.54 KeV. This work aims at calculating the response functions for two scintillation detectors CsI(Tl) and LYSO(Ce) (Lu1.9Y0.1SiO5:Ce0.5%) of size 10x10x5 mm3, to gamma-ray sources up to 1274.54 keV. Both detectors were modeled with the software MCNPX and GEANT4 codes. The results were compared to experimental energy spectrum and photopeak efficiency measurements from 22Na, 137Cs, 60Co and 241Am radioactive sources. The results showed good agreement with the experimental data.

Keywords: gamma-ray spectrometry, inorganic scintillator, CsI(Tl), LYSO(Ce), Monte Carlo simulation, Energy Resolution, Efficiency.

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[2] Mouhti, I., Elanique, A., Messous, M. Y., Benahmed, A., Belhorma, B., (2018). Validation of a NaI(Tl) and LaBr3(Ce) detector’s models via measurements and Monte Carlo simulation. J. Rad. Res. Appl. Sci.


Dr Issam MOUHTI (Ph.D student)


Prof. Abdellatif ELANQUE (Professor in Ibn Zohr University)

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