We study the thermodynamics of Kaluza-Klein black holes from the lower-dimensional point of view in which they are solutions of gravity coupled to a scalar and a vector field and from higher-dimensional point of view in which they are pure gravity (vacuum) solutions and compare both points of view which, in particular, should lead to exactly the same zeroth and first laws.
We construct a black hole geometry dual to a (2+1)-dimensional defect in an ambient (3+1)-dimensional gauge theory at non-zero temperature and quark density. The geometry is a solution to the equations of motion of type IIB supergravity with brane sources, a low energy limit of an intersection of stacks of color D3-branes and flavor D5-branes. We consider the case in which the number of...
I will discuss the results that have recently appeared in 2208.01007 [hep-th], where we study four-derivative corrections to five-dimensional minimal gauged supergravity and evaluate the on-shell action of the AdS_5 black hole solution with two independent angular momenta and one electric charge at linear order in the corrections. After imposing supersymmetry, we are able to recast the action...
Probing the interior of a black hole using gauge/gravity duality remains an active area of research. In this talk, I will present one recent attempt to probe the black hole interior by analytically continuing traditional holographic RG flows beyond their IR-fixed point. Such "trans-IR" flows are a natural framework for describing physics inside of black holes. First, I will discuss the...
We present new families of three-dimensional gravities non-minimally coupled to a scalar field whose effective on-shell Lagrangian becomes a total derivative when evaluated in a static spherically symmetric ansatz for the metric and a magnetic-like solution for the scalar field. After integrating once, the resulting equations of motion are of second order at most. We show that these theories,...
In a theory with global symmetries, one can define a notion of charged entanglement entropy, which is a function of the chemical potential conjugate to the charge contained in the entangling region. In this talk, I will show that for a general d(≥3)-dimensional CFT, the leading correction to the uncharged entanglement entropy across a spherical entangling surface is quadratic in the chemical...
We carry out an extensive study of the holographic aspects of any-dimensional higher-derivative Einstein-Maxwell theories in a fully analytic and non-perturbative fashion. We achieve this by introducing the d-dimensional version of Electromagnetic Quasitopological gravities: higher-derivative theories of gravity and electromagnetism that propagate no additional degrees of freedom and that...
Approximate symmetries abound in Nature. If these symmetries are also spontaneously broken, the would-be Goldstone modes acquire a small mass, or inverse correlation length, and are referred to as pseudo-Goldstones. At nonzero temperature, the effects of dissipation can be captured by hydrodynamics at sufficiently long scales compared to the local equilibrium. In this talk we will explain how...
We study various orientifold projections of 4d N = 1 toric gauge theories. We obtain superconformal field theories that have the same central charge, anomalies and superconformal index, whereas they were different before the orientifold. Some of these projections are implemented by a novel type of orientifold without fixed loci, known as glide orientifold. We claim that these theories flow to...
Spindles are two-dimensional orbifolds that are topologically two-spheres, but with conical deficit angles at the north and south poles. These compact spaces are interesting, because under certain circumstances they provide a novel way to preserve supersymmetry which is distinct from the familiar topological twist. This observation
opens the possibility to construct new classes of interacting...
It is well-known that non-relativistic limits of a string theory modify its background geometry, which no longer remains Lorentzian. This opens a new window into non-AdS holography, for instance by taking a non-relativistic limit of the most studied and understood case, namely strings in AdS5xS5. Although its non-relativistic dual field theory has not been identified yet, in this talk we shall...
Non-relativistic limits of string and M-theory offer a way to (in principle) explore non-relativistic quantum gravity. In this talk I will focus on the realisation of such a limit for 11-dimensional supergravity. Bosonically this results in a non-Lorentzian "membrane Newton-Cartan geometry" with the local tangent space split into three "longitudinal" and eight "transverse" directions, related...
It depends on a single real parameter and it can be regarded as a ``nonlinear $SO(1,1)$ automorphism.'' The map preserves the form of the momentum density and naturally induces a flow on the energy density by a marginal $\sqrt{T\bar{T}}$ deformation. In turn, the general solution of the corresponding flow equation of the deformed action can be analytically solved in closed form, recovering the...
In this talk I will address the question: Is there asymptotic accelerated expansion in string theory? First I will present a Swampland conjecture suggesting a negative answer. It has been tested in a particular asymptotic limit associated to weak string coupling and large volume in Type II string theory compactifications. To go beyond this lamppost, we consider different asymptotic limits of...
T-duality has been shown to constrain the higher derivative corrections of string theory. We revisit the problem of understanding the T-duality constraints imposed on the alpha prime corrections using the language of a torsionful connection to construct O(d,d) invariant building blocks for general d-dimensional torus compactifications. This also suggests that there are in fact some hidden...
In the talk I will comment on two new sectors of string theory that are related to two sectors of the Supermembrane theory with a purely discrete spectrum. We will see that from the sector of the compactified supermembrane with constant and quantized 3-form supergravity background and monodromy contained in $SL(2,Z)$, by double dimensional reduction, it is obtained a new type of (p,q) string...
The correspondence between black holes and degenerate states of fundamental strings becomes puzzling when attempting to include rotation: At large enough spins, there exist degenerate string states that seemingly cannot be matched to any black hole. Conversely, there exist black holes with arbitrarily large spins that cannot correspond to any single-string state. I will discuss work (to...
We describe the dynamical evaporation of a black hole through quantum Hawking emission in holographic form, namely, as the classical gravitational evolution of a black hole in an Anti-de Sitter braneworld. A bulk black hole whose horizon intersects the brane yields the classical bulk dual of a black hole coupled to quantum conformal fields. The evaporation of this black hole happens when the...
The mutual information between two subsystems is a well-known information theoretic quantity which, contrary to other measures such as entanglement entropy, remains finite in the continuum limit of quantum field theories. It is possible to generalize it by considering a system made out of N distinct parts, in which case we compute the N-partite information shared by them. In this talk, we will...
I will talk about extended thermodynamics in the braneworld scenario. I will discuss motivations, the holographic derivation and examples. In particular, I will illustrate the quantum BTZ black hole example.
The BMS (Bondi-van der Burg-Metzner-Sachs) group was shown long ago to be the group of asymptotic symmetries of gravity in asymptotically flat spacetime. This group naturally emerges at null infinity, however, analyses at spatial infinity did not exhibit any sign of the BMS group. This discrepancy was recently resolved by considering appropriate “parity twisted boundary conditions” at spatial...
We study graviton-graviton scattering in partial-wave amplitudes after unitarizing their Born terms. In order to apply S-matrix techniques, based on unitarity and analyticity, we introduce an S-matrix associated to this resummation that is free of infrared divergences. This is achieved by removing the diverging phase factor calculated by Weinberg that multiplies the S matrix, and that stems...
I will discuss recent developments in the characterisation of asymptotic states in asymptotically flat gravity, and the central role played by BMS fluxes in connection to soft graviton theorems. As a result of these new ideas, I will show that the subleading soft graviton theorem including loop effects is the Ward identity associated with superrotations symmetries. We will conclude that BMS...
Non-invertible symmetries is a generalization of a conventional notion of symmetry, which includes symmetry transformations that do not obey the group law, and in particular fail to have the inverse. In this talk I will discuss the construction of such non-invertible symmetries in class S theories, obtained by compactifying 6d (2,0) superconformal field theory on a Riemann surface with no...